Lists (8)
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[IEEE TGRS 2024] SCTransNet: Spatial-channel Cross Transformer Network for Infrared Small Target Detection
This package provides A Comprehensive Multi-Modal Anti-UAV Dataset
We win the 1st place in UG2+, a task in CVPR 2024 UAV Tracking and Pose-Estimation Challenge.
[AAAI 2025] Exploiting Multimodal Spatial-temporal Patterns for Video Object Tracking
[AAAI2025] SUTrack: Towards Simple and Unified Single Object Tracking
Served as a large-scale multi-modal benchmark, Anti-UAV drives the future research on the frontiers of tracking UAVs in the wild. With the above innovations and contributions, we have organized the…
an edge-real-time anchor-free object detector with decent performance
【IEEE TITS2025】Unity is Strength: Unifying Convolutional and Transformeral Features for Better Person Re-Identification
Elastic Tracker: A Spatio-temporal Trajectory Planner Flexible Aerial Tracking
[IEEE RA-L'24] Dynamic Obstacle Detection and Tracking (DODT) algorithm for Autonomous Robots (C++/ROS)
The official implementation for the paper [ODTrack: Online Dense Temporal Token Learning for Visual Tracking].
Repository Containing the Code associated with the Paper: "Learning High-Speed Flight in the Wild"
BoT-SORT: Robust Associations Multi-Pedestrian Tracking
Deep learning-based mobile model deployment(Object Tracking). Lightweight Object Tracking, NCNN,
SenseTime Research platform for single object tracking, implementing algorithms like SiamRPN and SiamMask.
DroTrack: High-speed Drone-based Object Tracking Under Uncertainty
DEYOLO: Dual-Feature-Enhancement YOLO for Cross-Modality Object Detection
Course projects for the Sensor Fusion Nanodegree program on Udacity.
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree projects.