Discord+ v2.1.2
I wasn't actually going to make this release, but GOD DAMN WHAT IS THIS
This mysterious margin change happened overnight, for absolutely no reason at all. What the hell, Discord???
3f99190: Add Facebook notice
The Facebook notice that nags you to add your friends is now round.
fd154c0: Add channel notices
Remember when I removed channel notices altogether? Well, I decided to stop being lazy and just theme them.
1d53102: Improvements to guilds
The Friends list now has the same animations and transparency as regular guilds!
ca6360a: Add animations to settings buttons
Does what you think it does. The button animations now work in the settings too.
9d232c7: Fix the godawful message proportions after the update
2a9cbc1: Fix friends being one pixel off
So yeah, the entire reason this update exists. I took the liberty of fixing what Discord fucked up. And yes, one of the commits fixes your friends being one pixel off. Exactly one pixel.
Was this really necessary, guys? For real? One PIXEL?
25fbaf2: Rewrite font selector to be neutral
The font selector no longer forces the font onto every single element on the page. This has a meaningful impact on performance, and also prevents the BetterDiscord Custom CSS box from breaking.
1338aac: Remove box shadows the right way
Due to a horrendous oversight, box shadows weren't actually being removed where I wanted them to. Oops.
1ce9166: Remove the ugly border
Removes an ugly border beneath certain tabs.