This release includes a brand new tutorial, some new music and new levels, and new creature parts as well! Woo!
A new tutorial explains how squish moves work, so check it out! The tutorial infrastructure is almost where can just crank out tutorials -- there's just one or two last things I want to add first. But soon!
There's two new songs, and the song titles will appear at the top of the screen as you play. The titles include cute little food puns and now you can call them by name instead of "that one song that goes like, you know..."
There's two new levels: "Accelerator" gets faster with each piece you drop, and "Veggie Patty" requires you to drop 80 pieces without dying! ...I want to add more interesting level gimmicks, but the tutorials felt more important so that people can at least wrap their head around the basics. But I'll get to the fun stuff soon!
There's some new spooky creature parts: skull masks and spider eyes for halloween! Get those spooky creatures submitted to the community discord and maybe I'll add them to the game!
Also a handful of bugfixes -- I made the creatures load faster in the previous release, but introduced a bunch of bugs. I changed it so it should run fast and be bug free! I also fixed a bug where creatures were wearing their glasses the wrong way. That was a fun one! Maybe backwards glasses are the cool new trend -- but Turbo Fat is not ready for them yet.