This release adds countertops and grills to the interior area and changes its perspective! Yikes!
There are now some countertops and grills surrounding the kitchen area! I'd also like to add some sinks, plates, and floor tiles and then I think I'll be satisfied with it looking 'kitcheny' enough. More to come!
Most notably, (at least from a coding perspective,) the interior area is now viewed at an angle instead of straight-on. This involved redrawing a lot of visual assets and, most annoyingly, extending aspects the game engine because it turns out Godot can't draw stuff from left to right! #1 #2 Oh no!!! What a mean surprise! Well, maybe some day they will patch this feature in and my life will become much much simpler. ...Until then unfortunately you may notice some flickering as I have to manually kludge things around! Sorry! Let's suffer together.