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yarn docs
runs the styleguidist framework for isolated component development. -
yarn dev
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yarn docs:build
is required for the docs link to work.
- A
yarn build
will build the NEXT project -
yarn docs:build
will build the styleguidist project. -
yarn test
to run the test environment
Recently I've been interested in how RedwoodJS breaks down components into "Cells" (atomic) components and the paradigm of Single File Components (SFC).
Also tried out React StyleGuidist as an alternative to StoryBook & for isolated component development.
Previous use of StoryBooks was that it was very config heavy (Seperate `component.story.ts file & markdown file). So having a way of writing "Stories" with just markdown files is refreshing.
Breaking down components into "cells" and adding them to the styleguide made a nice living documentation for how they look and work (code snippets viewable in docs).
One downside is that component cells need to be exported to be used in React Styleguidist - thus the Component__Element
namescheme to indicate where the cell came from. I'm on the fence for this sort of namescheme. Maybe this can be mitigated through SFCs with storybooks by combining stories & components into 1 file?
- CSS Modules is nice for isolating CSS for components. However doesn't really follow a BEM style. Maybe providing a BEM namescheme with CSS Modules would be more scaleable?
- The app also is not mobile friendly, if we were to start again then it might be better to have a mobile first design / use exsiting design systems.
State Management - Just used React Context with useReducer
for this app. If we needed to share state throughout larger apps (or if need to perform more complex processes) then a 3rd party library like Redux & Sagas would suffice.
- No I18n was added to this, but can be an easy addition with i18Next or other localisation libs.
- Same for currency, we can use built in Intl Number Format or 3rd party (if we need currency conversions)
Styleguidist can be used for Manual visual tests, but it would be better to automate. Wanted to try StyleGuidists Snapshot and Automated visual test plugins, however failed to get them to work (both outdated & also had issues using inside WSL).
- Storybook has a variety of plugins for testing unlike styleguidist.
We have used React Testing Library for unit tests, specifically on the pure components. In the future for connected & more complex components we can use integration tests.
Something we haven't tested out was testing hooks in isolation. By using custom hooks we can isolate component tests from logic (hook logic). We can test this using React Hooks Testing Library.