The Real-Time D3.js Visualization with User Authentication project aims to combine the power of the MERN stack with D3.js, enabling users to interact with visualizations in real-time while maintaining the security and privacy of their data through user authentication.
- Login your vercel account
- then follow some CLI comment on the terminal itself
- vercel
- then the terminal asks some questions about setup and directory
- vercel --prod
- It will give me a production link that is deployed link
Deploy link:
- create a new repo and add backend code
- import this repo in the render Dashboard
- set the environment variables that you have in .env file
- after some time it gives me live link
Deploy link:
React (JSX Syntax), Chakra-ui Library for Styling & Modal, axios for handling asynchrous request, react-router-dom for routing or Navigate from one page to another, Standard react components, React-hooks, chakra-icons, react-icons, d3-visualization, token-based-authentication, docker, docker-images, docker-containers, bar-chart, jest-dom & jest-tests.
Node.js, Express.js, mongodb (NoSQL), mongoose for connect database to server, cors for handling the cors error, relationships between collections, BSON and Bsondump.
Clone the Repository from Github. Then do the following steps:
# For Frontend
npm install
npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
npm i @chakra-ui/icons
npm install react-icons --save
npm i axios react-router-dom@6 d3
// To run react-app
npm run start
npm start
# For Backend
npm init -y
npm i express mongoose cors bcrypt dotenv jsonwebtoken nodemon
// To run server
npm run server
# For Docker
docker run --rm --name ecommerce-container -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true -d -
p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/app ecommerce-image
npm install --save-dev jest @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom
npm test
404 ---> Not Found/failure
200 ---> OK/Success/get/put
201 ---> Created/post
204 ----> Delete/reject