Web interface for QBit application.
cpanm QBit::WebInterface
use base qw(QBit::WebInterface); #in WebInterface.pm
For more information, please see code.
For more information, please see code.
For more information, please see code.
Web routing for QBit application.
my $wi = MyWebInterface->new();
my $r = $wi->routing();
It may take one option "strictly" (TRUE - strict match with url (default) or FALSE). Important for last slash!
In config 'WebInterface.cfg' you can use two options:
use_base_routing => 1, # also use base QBit::WebInterface routing
controller_class => 'MyWebInterface::MyController' # use your controller as base controller ./lib/MyWebInterface::MyController.pm
Methods: get, head, post, put, patch, delete, options create route for this requests. Route must begin with "/". All of the following methods define the settings for this route.
$r->get('/'); # GET "/"
Method "any" create route for all requests or specified.
$r->any('/'); # GET/POST/PUT/... "/"
$r->any([qw(GET PATCH)] => "/"); #only GET and PATCH "/"
- standart placeholders - !name! ~ ([^\/\\.]+)
- relaxed placeholders - :name: ~ ([^\/]+)
- wildcard placeholders - *name* ~ (.+)
$r->get('/user/!id!'); # GET "/user/123" ~ qr{/user/([^/\.]+)}
$r->get('/user/:login:'); # GET "/user/LOGIN" ~ qr{/user/([^/]+)}
$r->get('/user/*login*'); # GET "/user/LOGIN" ~ qr{/user/(.+)}
$r->get('/user/!name!-!surname!'); # GET "/user/vasya-pupkin"
# special symbols in url. Use double symbols ("#" -> "##")
$r->get('/user/::spec_url!!'); # GET "/user/:spec_url!"
In Controller you can get this value from %opts
sub test_controller : CMD {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
Method "conditions". For placeholders, data from request methods (method, uri, scheme, server_name, server_port, remote_addr, query_string) and variables from method http_header (user_agent, ...)
$r->get('/user/!id!')->conditions(id => qr/\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/); # GET "/user/123" but NO for GET "/user/vasya"
$r->get('/user/!login!')->conditions(login => [qw(bender)]); # GET "/user/bender" but NO for GET "/user/vasya"
$r->get('/user/!id!/settings')->conditions(id => sub {
my ($web_interface, $check_values, $params) = @_;
# WebInterface [obj], check value [string], all params from url [hash]
return $check_value == 123
$r->get('/user/authorization')->conditions(scheme => qr/https/);
$r->get('/user/mobile')->conditions(user_agent => qr/mobile/);
Method "to". Set path and cmd for route.
$r->get('/user')->to(path => 'user', cmd => 'list');
$r->get('/user/!login!')->to(controller => sub {
my ($web_interface, $params) = @_:
# WebInterface [obj], all params from url [hash]
if ($params->{'login'} eq 'bender') {
return ('user', 'settings');
} esle {
return ('user', 'list');
$r->get('/data/file')->to(sub {
my ($controller, %opts) = @_;
Method "name" set name for route
Method "url_for" create url by route name
$controller->routing->url_for('authorization'); # in controller, result "/user/authorization"
$r->url_for('settings', {id => 123}); # "/user/123/settings"
$r->url_for('list', undef, id => 123); # "/user/list?id=123"
Method "under" create new object with parent's settings for all routes
my $r = $wi->routing();
my $user = $r->under('/user')->to('user#list')->conditions(scheme => qr/^http$/);
my $profile = $r->under('/profile')->to('profile#view');
# routes:
# GET "/user/list"
# POST "/user/add"
# GET "/user/settings"
# GET "/profile/view"
# POST "/profile/edit
Method "attrs" set attributes for route
$r->get('/user/edit/!id!/!sign!')->attrs('FORMCMD', 'SAFE'); # CMD FORMCMD SAFE
# same
# $r->type('CMD');
# same
# $r->type('FORM');
# $r->process_method('_process_form');
Method "type" set type for route
Method "process_method" set process method for route