This is a Windows application to view delimited text or Json files. Json files are flattened to fit in tabular format. It’s designed to be robust and easy to use.
The application has a MSI installer that does not need administrative right.
The application can:
Determine the appropriate Code Page (teh .NET 7 version deos not support as mayn code tables, by now some are rarely used)
Determines the Field Delimiter & Record Separator
Determine the Quoting Character
Determine Escape Characters
Determine Comment Text
Determine the Start Row skipping comment lines
Configurable handling of quotes, support exotic quoting like context senitive quoting
Issues warning for column content that that does contain certain characters like Nonbreaking Space, Unknown Text placeholders, quotes or delimiters, as these chars can cause issues in other text parsers.
Use typed values in contrast to text values (Switching between typed and text values in UI), it does currently check 386 date formats.
Support for basic HTML and Markdown handling
Display of text file
Support for Zip, gZip and PGP files (does not properly support display of raw file)
Issues warning for column content cannot be parsed with the current setting e.g. a date in different format.
Ability to combine Date and Time columns to a combined Date/Time column with support of time zone conversion, either by third column or fixed value.
Automated re-alignment of columns in case a delimiter causes issues with column alignment (configurable, default off)
Automated re-alignment of column in case a linefeed pushes columns into the next line (configurable, default off)
Filtering of Columns
Sorting of Columns
Hiding/Reordering Columns
Above column configuration can be saved and loaded
Incremental Searching and highlighting for Text (This feature is rather slow, better use filtering)
Display of Column Length
Display of Hierarchy inside the file
Display Duplicates Values
Display Unique Values
Filter for rows / columns with warnings
HTML Copy and Paste for storing cut values in Excel / Word, retaining value types
Ability to store the filtered data into delimited text file
Donwload at: Sourceforge
This application does use various NuGet libraries:
- Ben.Demystifier: Improved display of stack trace
- Serilog: Logging Platform
- FastColoredTextBox: Display of source file with highlighting
- UTF.Unknown: Detect character set for files
- Newtonsoft.Json: Support for Json files, and serialisation of configuration
- WindowsAPICodePack: Ability to use new Windows Vista functionality for file dialogs
- Markdown: Ability to convert Markdown to HTML Text
- SharpZipLib: Compression Library, ability open compressed files on the fly
- TimeZoneConverter: Support for Unix and Windows Timezone names
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages: Support for old code pages in .NET5+ like Windows-1252
- BouncyCatle.OpenPgP: Support for PGP encraypted files reading (needs priivate kley and passphrase) and writing (needs public key of recipient)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions: Interface for abstraction of logging