This repo contains a Docker build file for Specmatic as well as examples with local and remote OpenAPI files.
To set up a Dockerised Specmatic environment locally, run:
git clone
cd Specmatic/Example
alias specmatic="docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/home/Example" ramb0/specmatic"
alias specmatic-serv="docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v "$PWD:/home/Example" ramb0/specmatic"
An example OpenAPI file for a simple pets API has been created - Example/service.yaml Another file for "canned responses" has been also been created - Example/scooby.json
To run a "stub server" for the API on port 9000, run:
specmatic-serv stub service.yaml
To test the API, you first need the local network accessible IP address of the host machine:
Linux -
ip add show
Windows -
Once this has been attained, run:
specmatic test service.yaml --host <addressofhostmachine>
specmatic test --host
References to a centralised repo can be made in the setup through the file Example/specmatic.json
As an example, references to an openAPI file in the Specmatic repo have been made -
When running Specmatic with a specmatic.json configured, there is no need to specify the location of the local OpenAPI file and so, to run the stub command with the process listening on port 9000, use:
specmatic-serv stub
To run all other processes i.e test, use:
specmatic test --host <addressofmachine>
Docker Hub -
Specmatic -
OpenAPI -