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An Erlang library that implements the chord P2P system. For more details see there


$ rebar3 compile


The library allows to abstract the location of a service and distribute it. All the commands of the service are not changed by Echo_rd, it just routes them to the node handling it correctly. The library will need a block service providing an interface compatible with gen_bm.erl file.

An example of an implemented block service can be seen here:

The full list of methods complete with a brief explanation can be seen in the gen_app.erl file.


  • application_manager: it will handle the communication with the upper level (application and block manager);
  • checker: it will handle the communication with the predecessor on the network. It will also handle the address (and id) of the predecessor;
  • communication_manager: it will encode and decode incoming/outcoming messages and route them properly;
  • fixer: it will make lookups in order to update the finger table entries;
  • hash_f: it will provide methods for the hashing of addresses and resources;
  • join_handler: it will handle the status of the node regarding join/create/leave;
  • lager_sinks_handler: it will provide methods for the correct execution of lager logging;
  • link_manager: it will create/manage tcp sockets;
  • logging_policies: it will handle the filters on the logging based on the chosen policy;
  • lookup_request: it will handle a single lookup request waiting for response;
  • naming_handler: it will handle all naming operations;
  • naming_manager: it will handle the naming table when naming_handler doesn't exist or is restarting;
  • normalizer: it will handle all the operations on nodes id;
  • params_handler: it will handle values needed for the execution after entering a network;
  • request_gateway: it will handle and create all the lookup_request present;
  • router: it will handle the finger table and the lookup mechanism;
  • socket_handler: it will handle a single tcp connection;
  • socket_listener: it will listen for tcp connections;
  • stabilizer: it will handle the successor list and handles the communication with the successor;
  • statistics: it will provide useful metrics to analyze the network.


Echo_rd can be configured using

$ application:set_env(echo_rd, #VAR#, #VAL#).

The following table shows the possible configurations (in square brackets default values):

#VAR# #VAL# Meaning
ip public Set this to use public ip address instead of the private one
ip [private] Use private ip address
log all Set this to use the maximum level of logging
log logic Set this to log only the events strictly related to chord and join mechanisms
log comm_only Set this to log only the communication events
log chord_only Set this to log only the events strictly related to chord
log joiner_only Set this to log only the join mechanisms
log naming_only Set this to log only the naming operations
log [undefined] Log only errors
lager_log lager_on Logs are written into file and printed on screen (may make it hard to use the terminal)
lager_log lager_only Logs are written only on file
lager_log lager_off Logs are written only on terminal (may make it hard to use the terminal)
lager_log [undefined] No logging
connect NUMBER ([7000]) Maximum amount of time that can be waited during a tcp_connect without giving timeout
delay {constant, NUMBER} Add NUMBER ms of latency to communication
delay {normal, MEAN, VAR} Add latency to communication based on a normal distribution with mean MEAN and variance VAR
delay [undefined] No artificial delay
fix off Stops the fix process (cannot be restarted)
fix [undefined] Fix as normal
stabilize off Stops the stabilize process (cannot be restarted)
stabilize [undefined] Stabilize as normal
fail_detection off Stops the fail detection system (Needs also the stabilize off option for proper use)
fail_detection [undefined] Fail detection as normal
size NUMBER ([50]) Dimension of the buffers for statistics
timing_increase NUMBER ([2]) After each failed lookup, average timing is multiplied by this number


Message Params Created by Forwarded to Notes
lookup_for_join join_handler router
lookup_response ID, Address, Length router request_gateway, join_handler ID contains the requested id, Address will points to the closest successor of the requested id, Length the number of hops for the lookup
ready_for_info join_handler join_handler
join_info Nbits, SuccessorList, Resources join_handler join_handler Contains all the info needed for the join
ack_info join_handler join_handler Confirms the reception of join_info
abort Reason join_handler join_handler Aborts current join operation
ack_join join_handler join_handler Ends the join operation
leave_info Resources join_handler join_handler Contains the resources of the leaving node
ack_leave join_handler join_handler Confirms the reception of leave_info
ask_pred stabilizer checker
pred_reply Predecessor, SuccessorList checker stabilizer Responds to the ask_pred message
lookup ID, Hops router, lookup_request router Hops indicates the max number of nodes that can be visited
command Address, Command application_manager application_manager Address contains the ip address of the node sending the command
get_stats Number statistics statistics Number contains the number of already visited nodes
stats Statistics statistics statistics
  • 1 is Api (l), Router, Fixer(l)
  • 2 is Api (any)

Truth-Table of the CM's state machine

ID Curr_State Action Re-Action New_State
a init_joiner join lookup_for_join look
b init_joiner create start init_provider
c look look_resp ready_for_info pre_join
ti look timeout hard_stop init_joiner
d pre_join info ack_info j_ready
e pre_join abort lookup_for_join look
ti pre_join timeout hard_stop init_joiner
f j_ready ack_join start init_provider
g j_ready abort lookup_for_join look
ti j_ready timeout hard_stop init_joiner
h1 init_provider ready_for_info join_info not_alone
h2 init_provider ready_for_info abort init_provider
i init_provider leave_info ack_leave init_provider
j init_provider leave leave_info leaving
l1 not_alone ready_for_info abort(joiner) not_alone
l2 not_alone ready_for_info abort(curr), join_info(joiner) not_alone
m not_alone ack_info ack_join, drop_many_resources init_provider
n not_alone leave abort(curr), leave_info leaving
o not_alone leave_info abort(curr), ack_leave init_provider
tj not_alone timeout hard_stop init_provider
p leaving ack_leave stop init_joiner
q leaving ready_for_info abort leaving
tl leaving timeout hard_stop init_joiner


  • The ID field column the id of the event
  • The Curr_State column represents the current state, i.e. the state from which the transition comes from
  • The Action column represents the incoming request
  • The Re-Action column represents the state-machine’s response w.r.t. the corresponding action
  • The New_State column represents the new state after the event


  • For the id of the timeout scenarios is used the following notation:
    • ti for the default interval
    • tj for the join interval
    • tl for the leaving interval
  • For the ready_for_info message we have the IDs h1,h2 and l1,l2 according to the priority of the joiner who has to be served.


Erlang implementation of chord







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