Food-App is a GUI application used for connecting to
database created specially for BD course.
In order to connect, one has to enter valid user login and correct password.
After that, one will be automatically connected to server containing
database with relevant information in it.
In order to run application one has to download and install
gradle. After successful installation of gradle and downloading this repository
one has to type in the terminal following command:
./gradlew run
After that the application should launch without any problems.
In order to see menu of any restaurant, user has to enter the name
of the restaurant (NOTE restaurant must be present in the database).
After specifying the name of the restaurant press button with option
Znajdź menu.
To make an order, enter the names of meals into relevant
text field (NOTE Meals have to belong to the same restaurant).
After that press button with text Zamów and receive your
order number.
Below one can see screenshots showing the GUI of the Food-App.