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Commands 3.x

SBPrime edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 1 revision

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AsyncWorldEdit commands

All standard commands should be in this format: /awe <command> <arg1> <arg2> .... If no command name is given the help will be displayed (/awe).

Command Usage Permission Description
help help - Displays list of all AWE commands
help <command name> - Displays help about <command name>
reload reload all AWE.admin.reload Reloads the configuration and reassigns permission groups
reload config Reloads the configuration
reload groups Reload and reassign the permission groups
jobs jobs Display the number of queued blocks and a list of pending jobs
jobs u:<player name> Display the number of queued blocks a list of pending jobs for <player name>
jobs all Display the number of all queued blocks and pending jobs for all users
purge purge AWE.user.purge Clear the block queue
purge u:<player name> AWE.admin.purge Clear the block queue for <player name>
purge all AWE.admin.purge.all Clear all queued blocks
cancel cancel <id> AWE.user.cancel Cancels job ID for calling player
cancel u:<player name> <id> AWE.admin.cancel Cancels job ID for player <player name>
toggle toggle AWE.user.mode.change Toggles AWE mode on/off
toggle on Toggle AWE mode to ON
toggle off Toggle AWE mode to OFF
toggle u:<player name> AWE.user.admin.change Toggle AWE mode on/off for <player name>
toggle u:<player name> on Toggle AWE mode on for <player name>
toggle u:<player name> off Toggle AWE mode off for <player name>
speed speed AWE.user.speed.view Display the current AWE max speed
speed <new speed> AWE.user.speed.change Change AWE max speed for current player
speed u:<player name> AWE.admin.speed.change Displays the AWE max speed for <player name>
speed u:<player name> <new speed> Change AWE max speed for <player name>
messages messages chat [on|off] AWE.user.messages.change Change the chat progress on or off
messages bar [on|off] Change the progress bar on or off
messages talkative [on|off] Change the chat messages on or off
messages u:<player name> chat [on|off] AWE.admin.messages.change Change the chat progress on or off for <player name>
messages u:<player name> bar [on|off] Change the progress bar on or off <player name>
messages u:<player name> talkative [on|off] Change the chat messages on or off <player name>

Extended WorldEdit commands

Command Usage Permission Description Aliases
replacend /replacend [<from>] <to> worldedit.region.replace Replace blocks in selected area and keep the data /rend, /repnd

Schematic commands

Usage: /schematic <command> <arg1>

Command Usage Flags Permission Description Aliases
info info <file name> [<format>] Displays the schematic information info, size
place /schematic place <fileName> [<format>] [-a] [-f] Place schematic directly on the map without loading it to the clipboard
-a ignore air blocks
-f use player facing when placing blocks

Biome support

AsyncWorldEdit adds support for copying and pasting biomes using clipboards. Do enable biome copy/paste add the -b flag to //copy //paste commands.

Direct chunk commands

The direct chunk manipulation commands should be in this format: /chunk <command> <arg1> <arg2> .... If no command name is given the list of available commands will be displayed (/chunk).

Warning: //chunk and /chunk is a different command.

| Command | Usage | Flags | Permission | Description | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | relight | relight | [-v] | awe.excommands.chunk.relight | This command is used to force light recalculation for selected chunks | | | | -v | | Use the vanilla minecraft relight function | | clear | clear | | awe.excommands.chunk.clear | Removes all entities and blocks from the selected chunks | | set | set <pattern> | [-f] | awe.excommands.chunk.set | Set the selected area to blocks | | | | -f | | Expands the selection to full chunks | | replace | replace [from] <pattern> | [-w] | awe.excommands.chunk.replace | Set selected chunks that match the provided mask | | | | -w | | Expand the selection to entire world | | fill | fill | | awe.excommands.chunk.fill | Copies the chunk that the player is currently in to selected chunks | | clone | clone | | awe.excommands.chunk.clone | Copies the chunk selected chunks to the chunk that the player is currently in | | copy | copy [-m mask] | [-b] [-m] | awe.excommands.chunk.copy | Copies the selected region to WorldEdit clipboard using direct chunk api | | | | -b | | copy biomes | | | | -m | | sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air | | paste | paste | [-a] [-b] | awe.excommands.chunk.paste | Copies the WorldEdit clipboard to the world using direct chunk api | | | | -a | | ignore air blocks | | | | -b | | paste biomes | | setbiome | setbiome <new biome> | [-f] | awe.excommands.chunk.setbiome | Set the biome inside the selection to provided | | | | -f | | Expand selection to whole chunks |