A shibboleth SP (apache 2.4 on ubuntu) docker-image pre-configured for SWAMID login. To trigger login redirect the browser to "/Shibboleth.sso/Login?targt=$application-session-handler" where $application-session-handler is the URL context where your application establishes an internal session. The apache is setup with a single default vhost setup to serve $SP_HOSTNAME only on TLS (http traffic is redirected)
Extend this docker image with your own Dockerfile (FROM swamid-shibsp) where you COPY and ADD your own application. To add configuration to the Apache the suggested approach is to COPY something into /etc/apache2/conf.d (and any other data/code you need) and run a2enconf from the Dockerfile. An example might look something like this:
FROM swamid-shibsp
COPY myapp /var/www/
COPY myconf.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d
RUN a2enconf myconf
Your application should provide a /about URL - the Shibboleth module may redirect the user to this URL for addl info about the application.
Stuff you must set:
- SP_HOSTNAME (localhost): set to the public hostname of the application (eg foo.example.com)
- SP_CONTACT (info@${SP_HOSTNAME}): set to the "webmaster" email of the application
Volyme to mount:
- /etc/ssl
This should contain a standard ubuntu/debian layout (/etc/ssl/certs, /etc/ssl/private etc). Unless found, private/${SP_HOSTNAME}.key, certs/${SP_HOSTNAME}.crt and certs/${SP_HOSTNAME-chain.crt will be generated (you will want to replace these with "real" certs btw) along with a keypair for use by Shibboleth to sign SAML messages. This last keypair you will probably not need to replace or override but it is in private/shibsp.key and certs/shibsp.crt.
By default the NORDUnet DS is uses and SWAMID transitive metadata (includes all of edugain etc) is loaded. You can override these defaults by setting METADATA_URL and DISCO_URL to point to alternative metadata and discovery service URLs respectively.
You can also override the METADATA_SIGNER but that cert needs to be COPY:ed into the /etc/shibboleth directory in your own Docker file.