A Virtual Machine and compiler written in C# based on the B32 virtual machine (see this tutorial)
- Commenting pass
- Re-write main processor, break into ALU and control unit
- Re-write memory access and registers
- Build caching system for high-speed caches
- Emulate multiple devices an interfaces (chipset)
- Better threading
- Better timing control
- State saving
- Possibly upgrade to 32 bit
- Improve interpretation speed
I really don't care if people use my code, it's not great. But I would like to keep in mind the fact that a lot of the core idea was taken from the tutorial mentioned above (written by Alan Bryan). I'm not exactly the best with licensing and stuff so the gist of is it don't be an ass. I don't mind if you use it, or modify it or whatever, but if you do use it, some sort of credit would be nice!