Simple Wrapper for avoiding exception handling and validation/guard logic in your ASP.NET Core controllers.
using SamCo.AspNetCore.SafeResult;
public class PostsController : Controller
private Result<Post> GetPost(int id)
Post post = Some.Legacy.Api.GetPost(id);
if (post == null)
return new NotFoundResult(); // Implicit cast
return post; // also implicit cast
// Log or whatever you want
return StatusCodeResult(500);
public IActionResult GetPost(int id)
Result<Post> getPost = GetPost(id);
if (getPost.Errored)
return getPost.ErrorResult;
return Ok(getPost.Value);
public IActionResult DeletePost(int id)
Result<User> getUser = _userService.GetCurrentUser();
if (getUser.Errored) // Unauthorized or challenge
return getUSer.ErrorResult;
Result<Post> getPost = GetPost(id);
if (getPost.Errored) // NotFound or InternalServerError
return getPost.ErrorResult;
// "void" methods can use non-generic Result
Result deletePost = _newPostService.Delete(getPost.Value, getUser.Value);
if (deletePost.Errored) // Forbid (user trying to delete post they don't own)
return deletePost.ErrorResult;
return NoContent(); // Finish