Better asynchronous javascript flow control in 132 lines (5.7KB) or 4KB minified or 1285 bytes gzipped.
Inspired by async, mini-async, Mocha, Chai, Should.js, and IcedCoffeeScript/TameJs libraries.
- new / flow / with : optional chainable instantiator; receives beginning result; useful in series
- beforeAll / before : non-blocking function called once before first task
- beforeEach : non-blocking function called once before each task
- serial / series / blocking / waterfall : blocking function called in order; results always waterfalled
- parallel / nonblocking : non-blocking function called in order
- do / then / try / begin / start / auto : optionally blocking function called in order; determined by length of arguments callback expects
- afterEach / between / inbetween : non-blocking function called once after each task
- error / catch / rescue : blocking function called when error occurs
- success / else : non-blocking function called after all tasks have completed, but only if no errors occur
- end / finally / ensure / afterAll / after / complete / done / go : blocking function called after all tasks have completed
- whilst : provide test, iterator, and callback functions. will iterate until test passes, then execute callback
- delay : inverts argument order to
for easier CoffeeScript markup - push / nextTickGroup : serially-queued automatic-kick-start execution like
, but grouped
5 thoughtful single-chain
7 order of operations
5 escape callback hell!
Partially backward-compatible with async.js:
async.series [
-> async.delay 100, @
-> async.delay 50, @
], ->
assert.closeTo 100+50, since(start), 25
async.parallel [
-> async.delay 100, @
-> async.delay 50, @
], ->
assert.closeTo (100+50)+100, since(start), 25
But better thanks to several improvements:
.serial((next) ->
assert.typeOf next, 'function'
next null, 'async data' # e.g., fs.readFile(), or jQuery.ajax()
.parallel((data, next) ->
assert.equal data, 'async data'
assert.typeOf next, 'function'
next null
.parallel((data, next) ->
assert.equal data, 'async data'
assert.typeOf next, 'function'
next null
assert.typeOf @, 'function' # `this` === `next`
@ null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
.end (err, results...) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.deepEqual results, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
In fact, way better:
flow = new async
for i in [1..10]
((i) ->
method = if i%3 then 'parallel' else 'serial' # an overcomplicated display of flexibility
flow[method] (next) ->
async.delay 25, ->
console.log "#{method} #{i}"
flow.go (err, results...) ->
console.log 'try this in async.js!'
It really makes you wonder: how long have we needed a good asynchronous flow control library, and not known it?
Exhibit A: Look familiar to any jQuery.ajax() developers?
called = false
before: ->
called = true
do: (next) ->
# main logic
assert.ok called
next 'err', 'result'
error: (err) ->
assert.equal 'err', 'err'
#alert err
success: (result) ->
assert false, 'success() should not have been called here'
#console.log data
complete: (err, result) ->
assert.equal err, 'err'
assert.equal result, 'result'
Exhibit B: How about to you JavaScript developers?
called = false
@ new Error 'thrown node cb style'
.catch((err) ->
called = true
assert.equal ''+err, 'Error: thrown node cb style'
.finally (err, result) ->
assert.ok called
assert.equal ''+err, 'Error: thrown node cb style'
assert.typeOf result, 'undefined'
Exhibit C: Any Rubists in the audience?
called = false
@ new Error 'thrown node cb style'
.rescue((err) ->
called = true
assert.equal ''+err, 'Error: thrown node cb style'
.else((result) ->
console.log 'Else'
assert false, 'else() should not have been called here'
.ensure (err, result) ->
assert.ok called
assert.equal ''+err, 'Error: thrown node cb style'
assert.typeOf result, 'undefined'
Additionally, nextTick()
users will appreciate the lazy man's grouped blocking serial execution:
async.push 'A', (next) ->
setTimeout (-> console.log 'second'; next()), 100
async.push 'B', (next) ->
setTimeout (-> console.log 'first'; next()), 10
async.push 'A', (next) ->
setTimeout (-> console.log 'third'; next()), 1
# outputs:
# first
# second
# third
These are just a few of all the things it can do.
For the latest examples, review the easy-to-follow ./test/
Or try it immediately in your browser with codepen.
great another high horsed coffeescripter! i just prefer to author in coffee. the .js and .js.min versions are in here too. you can do all the same things; in fact it is partially backward-compatible with async.js but in less lines of .js less bytes i should say; its a minimalist implementation with some improvements.
have you tried pull requests to the async repo? i may if i get positive response but its 100% refactor from ground-up; its not just a pull request. also any snide remarks are meant to encourage spirited but constructive debate. i'm not trying to be divisive. just had a need with a short timeline :) i know a lot of people get used to the way things are...
i could name variables better to assist with minification but its already pretty small. i may do it later though.
potential node.js madness: each series becomes its own cpu thread, each parallel becomes its own gpu thread.
"GPUs have evolved to the point where many real-world applications are easily implemented on them and run significantly faster than on multi-core systems. Future computing architectures will be hybrid systems with parallel-core GPUs working in tandem with multi-core CPUs.' -- Professor Jack Dongarra, Director of the Innovative Computing Laboratory, The University of Tennessee