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@Seldaek Seldaek released this 08 Dec 17:20
  • BC Break: This is a major release, see for details if you are coming from a 1.x release
  • BC Break: PHP 7.1 is now the minimum required PHP version.
  • BC Break: Quite a few interface changes, only relevant if you implemented your own handlers/processors/formatters
  • BC Break: Removed non-PSR-3 methods to add records, all the add* (e.g. addWarning) methods as well as emerg, crit, err and warn
  • BC Break: The record timezone is now set per Logger instance and not statically anymore
  • BC Break: There is no more default handler configured on empty Logger instances
  • BC Break: ElasticSearchHandler renamed to ElasticaHandler
  • BC Break: Various handler-specific breaks, see for details
  • Added scalar type hints and return hints in all the places it was possible. Switched strict_types on for more reliability.
  • Added DateTimeImmutable support, all record datetime are now immutable, and will toString/json serialize with the correct date format, including microseconds (unless disabled)
  • Added timezone and microseconds to the default date format
  • Added SendGridHandler to use the SendGrid API to send emails
  • Added LogmaticHandler to use the API to store log records
  • Added SqsHandler to send log records to an AWS SQS queue
  • Added ElasticsearchHandler to send records via the official ES library. Elastica users should now use ElasticaHandler instead of ElasticSearchHandler
  • Added NoopHandler which is similar to the NullHandle but does not prevent the bubbling of log records to handlers further down the configuration, useful for temporarily disabling a handler in configuration files
  • Added ProcessHandler to write log output to the STDIN of a given process
  • Added HostnameProcessor that adds the machine's hostname to log records
  • Added a $dateFormat option to the PsrLogMessageProcessor which lets you format DateTime instances nicely
  • Added support for the PHP 7.x mongodb extension in the MongoDBHandler
  • Fixed many minor issues in various handlers, and probably added a few regressions too