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Releases: Seminko/Ascension-TSM-Data-Sharing-App


11 Dec 14:39
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Mandatory update

File to download: 'ATDSA_v1.3.rar' - it now contains two EXEs: the main app and the updater.

  • auto updater implementation - implemented automatic updates so that users don't have to download from github releases page manually. there's going to be a second EXE - for the updater.
  • server messages implemented - implemented a system where I can communicate with the users using messages. a message is set up in the DB, the client checks for new messages every 5 mins (currently). if it finds a new message, it will print it in the console as well as in a toast notification. such message will be only shown once and then saved in handled_messages.json

  • when exception occurs a special dumbed down message is printed into the console, when current version < max version, it says you should update... the issue occurred when the exception was raised because the app couldn't get max version, this is now fixed
  • when a user doesn't want to participate in stats / leaderboard it will set instead of Anonymous
  • download interval decrease from 900s to 300s
  • instead of downloading everything and then checking if there is new data, it will now check which realms have been updated and download only those
  • fixed a bug, where it would put a hashed account name in the update_times.json, key "latest_data" --> "username", instead of unhashed account name
  • when an inline msg was being written and an exception occured, the log_exception_message_and_quit function would not be writted from the start of the line but rather directly after message, this fixes it
  • if user wanted to remove discord_user_id, it had to be changed to 'null' which users won't know. now will accept empty string.
  • update check interval change from 9000 (2.5h) to 43200 (12h)
  • is_ascension_running psutil exception fix - apparently if a process terminates between when process_iter() lists it and when is called, psutil raises NoSuchProcess. This fixes that issue
  • since everyone just has the app running in the background, when an exception occurs, one doesn't notice if not actively checking the app. from now on a toast notification will appear on exception.
  • corrected discord section from'Addons from Szyler and co' to 'Other DEVs Addons (N-Z)'
  • remove discord user id instruction - instructions how to remove discord user id added.
  • fixed clearing messages after updates / username - inline messages were not being properly cleared if server_communication.check_for_new_versions() or check_discord_id_nickname() logged.


06 Nov 17:06
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Mandatory update

  • bug fix: when users updated discord_id_username.json and the changes passed validation, they were not sent to the server

Sry for the udpate wave today, boys.


06 Nov 13:09
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Optional update

  • "Press any key to close the console" changed to "Press Enter to close the console"
  • users reported saying Y to giving discord user id only to find out, they have to do extra steps to get it... now it will explain what you need to do before you actually choose

v1.2 - discord user id / nickname link

06 Nov 09:07
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Mandatory update

  • users can now link their discord user id / nickname to their hashed account names so that we can track stats / leaderboards better
  • when you close ascension, upload and download will now happen immediately to allow for clutch updates
  • download beating upload fix - this fixes the following scenario: user scans AH, closes the game, download happens before upload and hence overwrites the scanned, not yet uploaded data. all the checks will now always happen after upload
  • when the time comes for upload / download etc, the app will now let you know, what it is currently doing right in the console
  • removed explicit 'success check' in task scheduler - since the console not always uses english, this made the scheduled task appear not to have worked for users with non-english windows version
  • newly added account wording updated so that it's more clear
  • download stats tracking
  • no longer using the word "block" (eg Upload Block) - renamed to "section" - to avoid potential misunderstandings
  • bug fix - for newly created realms (in this case CoA Hallow's End temp realm) which do not have any items on AH yet, TSM would add them to the LUA file, but since there were no items, "scanData" key was not added and the app would crash
  • first pass refactor

v1.1.1 - minor wording fixes

19 Oct 17:28
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  • achievement wording fixed: "you first upload" --> "your first upload"
  • optional update wording: optional update wording updated to better reflect it is in fact optional
  • since this is such a small update, will NOT trigger the update notification, this is more for new users

v1.1 - mandatory fixes

18 Oct 21:08
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  • fixed select folder dialog not showing up + retry for incorrectly selected WTF folder:
    • caused due to event loop conflict between tkinter (responsible for showing the Select Folder dialog) and winrt (responsible for creating the toast notifications)
    • if you select a wrong folder during the Select Folder dialog, you will not be prompted again without the need to restart the exe
  • fixed import names:
    • previously only tried to import specific functions from modules with the idea of saving exe size, but it's irrelevant so for the sake of consistency, reverting to the original, widely used "syntax"

v1.0 - initial public release

18 Oct 10:55
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Initial public release
Only works if Ascension is installed in default location (Program Files) - fixed by v1.1