DiffBot is a differential drive robot with 12V dc motors + encoders built with Arduino UNO and Raspberry 3
-Motor driver: You can use any motor driver such as L298N but you need to edit some parameters to make it work. I used a Cytron 10A 5-30V Dual Channel DC Motor Driver and Arduino code is made with this particular driver. I will later add L298N code if my schedule allows.
-Arduino UNO
-Raspberry 3
-Battery pack: I made a battery pack consisting of x4 18650 and DC-DC stepdown converter to reduce voltage to 12,2 volts. This should provide plenty of power to use your robot without worrying about power consumption. I provided additional 0,2 volts to make up for lost power due to wiring and equalizing the dc motor voltages just in case.
-Chassis: I designed a chassis for my liking, I'll share my design once it is ready and as my schedule allows (or upon request)
-Wiring: I'll share as my schedule allows (or upon request)
-ROS: Easiest way to deal with the ROS part is to just head over ubiquityrobotics download page and flash your card with the image provided here: https://downloads.ubiquityrobotics.com/pi.html
-Rosserial installation: I do not recommend cloning from rosserial's github. If you want to go that path, just download the indigo branch (I couldn't find kinetic branch) or else catkin_make will fail.
git clone -b indigo-devel https://github.com/ros-drivers/rosserial.git
I strongly suggest you install rosserial via
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosserial-python
-Start rosserial using:
rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200
-Test published topics in second terminal:
rostopic echo /left_ticks
rostopic echo /right_ticks
-Velocity control via:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
For ethical reasons I'd like to mention that I borrowed some Arduino code from Yoraish: https://github.com/yoraish/lidar_bot
Problem with yoraish robot is that it uses only Lidar for odometry and navigation which is not reliable for many roboticist standards and dc motors used are without encoder.
1-I will upload full ROS code to here once I tested everything
2-Add Lidar
3-Add IMU module
4-Maybe add Kinect V2