This python script will read a csv file exported from a CTD ".pos" file and create a CTD interactif report in the Equinor data format.
Several modules need to be install before using the script. You will need:
$ pushd somepath\ctdreport
$ pip install .
Before you start using the python scritp you will need to prepare the files. Please follow the steps below:
- Process and clean the data using CTD convertion and VBAProc;
- Convert the .pos file in .csv file with only the good data;
- Fill the ctdList.csv with the needed information, adding the csv file name without extension in the colunm FileName. A example of the file can be found in the tests folder. IMPORTANT: Please do not use comma (,) in any colunms.
- If you have severals CTD file put them in one folder.
usage: [-h] ctdFolder ctdCSV
Create HTML CTD Report.
positional arguments:
ctdFolder ctdFolder (str): CTD folder path. This is the path where the files to process are.
ctdCSV ctdCSV (str): CTD csv list path. This is the CTD csv file path with all the needed information are for each CTD.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To create the html interactif report from CTD csv data use python c:/temp/ctd/ c:/temp/ctdList.csv
- HTML Interactif Report
- CSV file with all information needed for the metadata
- Add SSDM option
- Read other type of format