A simple Symfony Affiliate Bundle.
This FOSUserBundle compatible Bundle tracks referrals with query string
parameter and detect referred registrations via cookie. You can easil ask
the bundle for commission amount (if there is any referrer) and apply the amount
to referrer's user account.
Your Order Object needs to implements \Shaygan\AffiliateBundle\Model\OrderInterface.
Via Composer
$ composer require shaygan/affiliate-bundle
Edit your app/AppKernel.php to register the bundle in the registerBundles() method as above:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
// register the bundle here
new \Shaygan\AffiliateBundle\ShayganAffiliateBundle()
This bundle was designed to just work out of the box. The only thing you have to configure in order to get this bundle up and running is your commission type amount and count.
# app/config/config.yml
type: fixed-amount
first_commission_amount: 3
commission_amount: 1
max_count: 10
type: percentage
first_commission_percent: 15
commission_percent: 10
max_count: 10
By default it look for ?ref=REFERRER_ID in URLs the ref is configurable
ShayganAffiliateBundel tracks FOSUserBundle registrations automatically and after every purchase you just need to ask the bundle for the commission payment if the referrer eligible for commission the bundle with return a commission Entity that contain the amount you have to pay to the referrer, othervise returns null.
// ...
// MyOrder SHOULD implements \Shaygan\AffiliateBundle\Model\OrderInterface
$order = new \AppBundle\Entity\MyOrder();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$affiliate = $this->get("shaygan_affiliate");
$commission = $affiliate->getPurchaseCommission($order);
if(null !== $commission){
$commissionAmount = $commission->getCommissionAmount();
$referrer = $commission->getReferrer();
$referrerUserId = $referrer->getId();
// You can apply the commission amount to the accont of referrer User here
// ...
Not implemented yet
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.