The first part of a small instagram analytics tool.
At the moment just the "Fake Friends Finder" application. Which will display accounts that follow your account but have not liked a single picture of yours. Great for finding "Fake Friends", "Fake Accounts" and "Follow to get attention Accounts".
- git clone ''
- cd instagram-insights
- virtualenv env (make sure you are using python > 3.4)
- source env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- retrive instagram cookie data and add to insta/
- python
- enjoy
- add login function to extract cookie automatically
- "is private" error message
- data export of the results
- do analytic stuff
Project based learning seems to be the most efficent way of grasping a new topic. During this Project I learned alot about the following:
- HTTP Requests
- Cookies
- Flask
- Websockets
- Javascript
- Data manipulation in python