Smoothie for version 2 boards using nuttx as base, using
Dev/... is for development and testing Firmware/... is for Smoothie firmware code and Test Units
Must use the following toolchain..
gcc version 6.3.1 20170215 (release) [ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 245512] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors 6-2017-q2-update)
(or any 6.x.x will probably work).
First you need to clone and build the smoothie-nuttx with "make export". Then unzip the in Firmware/nuttx-export.Bambino (or nuttx-export.Minialpha)
documented here
To build cd Firmware; rake target=Bambino
To build unit tests cd Firmware; rake target=Bambino testing=1
For Dev cd Dev; rake
To compile only some unit tests in Firmware:
rake target=Bambino testing=1 test=streams
rake target=Bambino testing=1 test=dispatch,streams,planner
To compile with debug symbols:
rake target=Bambino testing=1 test=streams debug=1
You need to install ruby (and rake)
Note for a mini alpha build you need to build the appropriate version of nuttx and export to nuttx-export.Minialpha, and build with rake target=Minialpha