- Rails 6.1.3
- Ruby 3.0.1
- Postgresql 1.1
- Redis 6.2.4
- RSpec 5.0.0
To run this project:
bundle install
rails db:setup
rails server
To run tests:
bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=test
(You only need to do this step once)bundle exec rspec
API's documentation is generated with rspec_api_documentation
and apitome
and it's based in /api/docs
. To generate it use rails docs:generate
A general admin panel (powered by administrate) can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/admin
The API is accessible at the following URL: https://monte-cinema-app.herokuapp.com/
Functional requirements:
- Endpoint to buy tickets/create reservation from ticket desk
- Endpoint to buy tickets/create reservation from online application
- There should be mechanism (Cronjob? Background job?) to terminate reservation if somebody did not pay ~30 minutes before screening (for reservations created by online application)
- There should be email communication provided:
- When reservation is created (tickets, seats and price should be attached)
- When reservation is terminated (the reason should be attached)
- Creating reservation should be robust and there should be validations (for instance - for already taken seats etc., - consider edge cases).
- Application should have implemented authentication (there should be logging by user and by employer)
- Application should have authorization in terms of role-based separation
- Regular user should have ability to create only online reservation
- Employer should have ability to create online reservation but also offline reservation
Not functional requirements:
- API should be documented
- Application should have provided seeds and should be generally operational
- At least 80% of tests coverage
- Application should have connected Sentry and CircleCI
- Application should be accessible publicly (for instance by Heroku)
- Application should have configured rubocop and should fulfill all rubocop requirements.
Nice to have:
- JSON:API endpoint
- GraphQL endpoint
- File upload (for instance avatar for user?)
- Other functionalities like adding new movies, screenings, cinema halls