description: | Falaise tracking plugin for SuperNEMO data reconstruction |
Date: | 2024-03-18 |
Authors: | Tomáš Križák
Maros Petro Miroslav Macko François Mauger |
The TrackingTK package is a Falaise plugin which provides a tracking module able to run a specific tracking algorithm (called tracking driver) to identify clusters of Geiger cell hits in the SuperNEMO detector and fit associated charged particles' trajectories.
This package only works with Falaise version >= 5.1.1. It makes use of
the new snemo::processing::base_tracking_driver
class from which
any tracking driver class should inherit.
A sntk::notracking::no_tracking_driver
dummy class is provided to
illustrate the integration of a tracking driver class in the
. It does not operate any tracking
reconstruction and lets the TCD and TTD banks empty. However,
it implements three mandatory following virtual methods in order to be
usable as an embeded driver in the sntk::tracking_module
void _at_initialize(const datatools::properties & config_, datatools::service_manage & services_) override;
This method configures and initializes the internal working space of the tracking driver.
void _at_reset() override;
This method terminates and resets the internal working space of the tracking driver.
int process_tracking(const snemo::processing::tracking_precluster_collection_type & preclusters_, const base_tracking_driver::calo_hit_collection_type & calo_hits_, snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_data & clustering_, snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory_data & track_fitting_) override;
This methods operates the tracking algorithm. It takes a vector of preclusters of Geiger hits as input data and possibly a list of calorimeter hits. Tracker preclusters as well as calorimeter hits are automatically extracted from the input CD bank. The method aims to fill the TCD and TTD banks with identified and measured tracks of charged particles (clusters and fitted trajectories).
The snemo::processing::tracking_precluster
data structure is
described in the Falaise snemo/processing/tracking_utils.h
It corresponds to the tracker's input data used by any tracking driver
to build TCD and TTD banks. These clusters are build from the
CD bank using a pre-clustering algorithm which is able to
identify sets of Geiger hits on each side of the tracking chamber and
also to separate candidate prompt and delayed clusters.
This design allows people to enrich the TrackingTK package with additional tracking algorithms/drivers that implement specific reconstruction approaches (Legendre transform based, maximum likelihood based...).
Falaise Falaise +------------------+ +------------------------+ | dpp::base_module | | snemo::processing:: | +------------------+ | base_tracking_driver | ^ [inherit] +------------------------+ | ^ ^ | [inherit]| | | | | TrackingTK | | | +-----------+-----------+ | | | sntk::tracking_module | | | +-----------------------+ TrackingTK | `--------. | - driver |--+-<> +------------+------------+ | +-----------------------+ | | some_tracking_driver | | | +-------------------------+ | | | - _at_initialize(...) | | [own]| | - _at_reset() | | | | - process_tracking(...) | | | +-------------------------+ | | _____________.' | .' | TrackingTK | +-<> +------------+------------+ | other_tracking_driver | +-------------------------+ | - _at_initialize(...) | | - _at_reset() | | - process_tracking(...) | +-------------------------+