Provides a master list of nvim preview plugins for different filetypes and a command to tie them together. The goal is to get everything working quickly, while keeping open advanced configuration. Simple plugin + Awesome list of previews.
Still in early stages and lacking support for many plugins, PR's to support your plugin are super welcome! I'll try to add as many as I can.
- Simple files:
, etc.
Works out of the box with third party
- Latex (just by finding a corresponding pdf file, look into vimtex for more)
- Markdown
- Typst
- ...More coming soon
opts = {}
use {
config = function()
require 'omni-preview'.setup {}
Simply installing plugins as dependencies calls .setup
which is usually enough for most of these pugins to work. If for some reason it doesn't you can manually call .setup()
on each of them.
For example with Lazy
dependencies = {
-- Typst
{ 'chomosuke/typst-preview.nvim', lazy = true },
-- CSV
{ 'hat0uma/csvview.nvim', lazy = true },
opts = {},
Override default settings Sometimes these plugins have behavior that you want to change, simply call setup on them yourself.
dependencies = {
-- for markdown
{ "toppair/peek.nvim", lazy = true, build = "deno task --quiet build:fast" }
config = function()
require("peek").setup({ app = "browser" })
One command to rule them all
:OmniPreview {args}
Three intuitive subcommands
:OmniPreview start
, :OmniPreview stop
, :OmniPreview toggle
There is no default keymapping for the, I recommend setting:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>p", ":OmniPreview toggle<CR>", { silent = true })
I often just close the preview manually since some of them don't have defined stop behavior, for instance system level preview tools. Maybe there is some way to close these efficiently but I'm not all that aware of it.
Remember to add these as dependencies or set them up manually with .setup
if you want your own preferences. The Lazy package manager will call default setup functions on everything defined as a depencency. While this does save some complexity, it also often means less than desirable default behavior. Because of this I like to set things up individually.
- typst-preview.nvim Instant onpyte updating preview
{ 'chomosuke/typst-preview.nvim', lazy = true },
- peek.nvim Best all around in my experience.
{ "toppair/peek.nvim", lazy = true, build = "deno task --quiet build:fast" },
- github-preview.nvim Great plugin with full github parity, requires
{ "wallpants/github-preview.nvim", lazy = true },
- mardown-preview.nvim Slightly older but still great.
{"iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim", lazy = true}
- markview.nvim In editor conceal based preview (also requires treesitter and dev icons)
{ "OXY2DEV/markview.nvim", lazy = true}
- Live-Server.nvim Requires node package live server
build = 'pnpm add -g live-server',
cmd = { 'LiveServerStart', 'LiveServerStop' },
config = true
- csvview.nvim Conceal in editor
{ 'hat0uma/csvview.nvim', lazy = true }
{'tigion/nvim-asciidoc-preview', lazy = true}
For images and other types I just use the unix open
command. You can override that behavior by passing a filetype and start and stop string or function.
previews = {
{ trig = "pdf", start = "zathura" -- , stop=... }
Lot's of work to do, this is early days.
- Mason like UI and registry
- Telescope like picker to support multiple types of previews
- More config options for more plugins
- More coverage of LaTeX
- Support for multiple previews on a single filetype
- The OG knap, requires a bit more tinkering to get certain previews working.
- Live support for many types live-preview.nvim. I might try to intergrate this in omni soon.
go give stars to the authors of these and the preview plugins, they are the real heros.