This article provides a step-by-step guide for setting up a Streamlit application with a Python environment and integrating the Syncfusion Grid components.
is a free and open-source framework that enables quick development and sharing of visually appealing web applications for machine learning and data science.
To begin working with the Streamlit framework, it is recommended to create a Python environment using venv. Refer to the below command to create a new Python environment:
python -m venv my-app
Upon completing the aforementioned step to create my-app, run the following command to install Streamlit:
cd my-app
pip install streamlit
Now that my-app is ready to run with default settings, let's add Syncfusion Grid component to the application.
Install the Syncfusion Grid component package from PyPI by executing the following command:
pip install ej2-streamlit-grids
Follow the below steps to add the Syncfusion Grid component to the Streamlit application:
1. Create a Python file named and import the Grid component (SfGrid
) into the file:
from ej2_streamlit_grids import SfGrid, GridProps
2. Create a CSV
file named dataset.csv and populate it with data in the following format:
OrderID, CustomerName, OrderDate, Freight, ShippedDate, ShipCountry
10248, Paul Henriot, 7/4/1996, $32.38, 7/16/1996, France
10249, Karin Josephs, 7/5/1996, $11.61, 7/10/1996, Germany
10250, Mario Pontes, 7/8/1996, $65.83, 7/12/1996, Brazil
10251, Mary Saveley, 7/8/1996, $41.34, 7/15/1996, France
3. Read the data from the CSV
file and initialize the GridProps
data = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')
props = GridProps(data)
You can import themes for the Syncfusion Streamlit component from the CDN. Refer to the themes topic to learn more about built-in themes. The Material
theme is the default theme for the Streamlit Grid component.
You can change the default theme with any of the available built-in themes. In this article, the Fluent
theme is applied using theme
property, which are available in CDN. The necessary Fluent
CSS styles for the Grid component were passed into the theme
property, which is referenced using the code snippet below.
props.theme = ''
Here is the summarized code for the above steps in the file:
from ej2_streamlit_grids import SfGrid, GridProps
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')
props = GridProps(data)
props.theme = ''
Ensure that terminal is in the correct project directory where is located. Run the application using the following command:
streamlit run
The output will appear as follows:
The Grid component is rendered along with some additional features in the file located in the demos folder. The resulting output with these features will be displayed as depicted below: