I'm Tamjeed Shariff!
- Currently: BSC Student at York University studying Computer Science
const aboutMe = {
pronouns: ["he" | "him"],
languages: ["Javascript/Typescript", "Python", "Java","HTML","CSS","C","SQL"],
Frameworks: ["React", "JUnit", "Angular"],
libraries: ["Discord.py","material-ui", "bootstrap", "chakra-ui", "MUI" ]
- Full Stack Programing and Web Development
- Computer Science, Web-Development and Software Engineering
Check out my GitHub repository:
I'm a Computer Science Student living in Toronto, CA. I love to cook, play sports and explore nature outdoors. If you are around Toronto, drop an email and let's catch-up over Coffee!
- Check out my Website: tamjeedshariff.tech
- Write to me: [email protected]