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Tfloow committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent 798b982 commit 3d50015
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Showing 11 changed files with 245 additions and 15 deletions.
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- [How to run it ?](#how-to-run-it-)
- [Explanation of the steps](#explanation-of-the-steps)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [License](#license)

Test the app [here](
Expand All @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ You can find the list of all currently track services in this [json](services.js

## How does it work ?

![Homepage](doc/img/image.png)![Alt text](image.png)

Here is the control panel where every website is displayed.

Expand All @@ -45,13 +46,18 @@ First, make sure to get the latest version of python (I am using 3.12). then fol
## Roadmap

- [x] Working pages
- [x] Home Page with links to other subpages
- [x] Home Page with links to other sub-pages
- [ ] A nice and clear home page with all current status
- [x] Deployed locally
- [x] Deployed globally
- [ ] Tracking downtime
- [ ] User button to report if a website is down
- [ ] Database that collect persistent data about outage
- [x] Tracking downtime
- [x] User button to report if a website is down
- [x] Database that collect persistent data about outage
- [ ] Proper database

## Documentation

You can find the documentation and have a better understanding of what is going under the hood by reading [this](doc/ (*Please, open an issue with the tag "doc" to add any comments or when you need more information about a specific point of the doc*).

## License

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions data/404-Test/log.csv
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions data/LEPL1201/log.csv
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58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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# Documentation of UCLouvain Down

- [Documentation of UCLouvain Down](#documentation-of-uclouvain-down)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Backend:](#backend)
- [Frontend:](#frontend)
- [Summary](#summary)

## Introduction

This website runs with Flask and the server with gunicorn. The site is hosted at heroku.

## Overview

### Backend:
- ``: this where the main app is located and the website's brain
- ``: this is a python script with handy function to handle JSON and more specifically the `services.json`. It helps us updating the status, remember when the last check was done, add new services, ...
- ``: this python script handle the user's report of website. It handle the interactivity with the user when they want to report an outage. It will log the report into a csv and plot it.
### Frontend:

#### `templates/`
We are taking advantage of Flask and jinja syntax to avoid boilerplate code. We have a `base.html` that have the base of our website such as a header, footer, ...

We then extend this baseline to tailor specific webpages for the need. When we extend this, we can provide 3 new block of html code:
1. `header`: we can change what's inside the `<head>` tag
2. `content`: we can add our content between the footer and header
3. `script`: we can add javascript scripts inside our html or add a `<link>` to a script (see [*static*](#static))

#### `static/`

This where we store all of the content required to build a new webpage. This follows the Flask guidelines.

You can find various *stylesheet* with the name looking like `style<Name-of-Template>.css` so it is easy to see what css goes with which page.

There is also some `robots.txt` and `sitemap.xml` for SEO purposes.

There is various folder:
- `ico/`: where we store the favicon for the webpages
- `img/log/`: where we store the plot of the user's report of outages and will be displayed on each services pages.
- `script/`: where we store the few javascript we have.

#### `data/`

This part is where we store a sort "database" with all of the report of the user.

All of the folder's name correspond to a tracked service by UCLouvain down **besides** the `request/` which is a little bit different. This is where the result of the [request form]( is.

You can extract all of the logs to build something with by clicking the link under each graph. Or you can do curl command looking like :

curl<folder-name> -o log.csv

### Summary

![Summary Graph](img/sum.png)
Binary file added doc/img/image.png
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156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions doc/img/sum.drawio
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Binary file added doc/img/sum.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file removed image.png
Binary file not shown.

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