Splash - Typescript-powered cross-platform music streaming app.
Read Project SRS to check requirements.
Splash cross-platform (iOS-first design) mobile client was written on TypeScript, using React Native framework. Key features & libraries:
- Reanimated for smooth animation on UI thread
- Apollo GraphQL as communication layer with API
- Redux Saga & Redux Persist for data management
- Firebase Crushlytics/Analytics to collect statistics
- Shared Transitions for smooth shared navigation transitions
Splash server was written on TypeScript, using Express/Apollo Server frameworks. Key features & libraries:
- GraphQL runtime for building server API
- Amazon AWS S3 API for file managing
- Heroku as host platform
- Heroku PostgreSQL for storing serializable data
- Sequelize ORM for easy and fast access to data in PostgreSQL
cd splash-client
//To run iOS client
yarn ios
//To run Android client
yarn android
cd splash-server
//To run server
yarn build && yarn build && yarn start:watch
//To open webview of database
yarn start:pgweb