A tool to download videos from youtube. Comes with a simple, clean GUI. This acts as a GUI frontend for youtube-dl using the python programming language. This tool will work on Windows, MacOs and Linux.
Step 1: Install Python. Go to https://www.python.org/ and install the dmg
Step 2: Install pip pip is used to install other python modules $ python3 get-pip.py
Step 3: Install gdal needed for earthpy $ pip install gdal
Step 4: Install python modules Type these into your terminal $ pip install pytube $ pip install pafy $ pip install requests $ pip install earthpy
Step 5: Run Video_Downloader.py
(this uses arch as an example, replace pacman with your distro's package manager)
Step 1: Install Python Install python from your package manager $ sudo pacman -S python3
Step 2: Install pip $ sudo pacman -S python-pip #note, in some distros it might be python3-pip
Step 3: Install gdal needed for earthpy $ pip install gdal
Step 4: install python modules $ pip install pytube $ pip install pafy $ pip install requests $ pip install earthpy
Step 5: Run Video_Downloader.py
Windows 10:
Step 1: Install Python Go to https://www.python.org/ and download the exe, then run it.
Step 2: Install pip Open your Command Prompt and type in $ python get-pip.py
Step 3: Install gdal needed for earthpy $ pip install gdal
Step 4: install python modules $ pip install pytube $ pip install pafy $ pip install requests $ pip install earthpy
Step 5: Run Video_Downloader.py