- Make sure you have xampp installed on your computer.
- Make sure you have composer installed on your computer.
- Make sure you have apache running on your computer (xampp).
- Make sure you have MySQL running on your computer (xampp).
- Make sure to install this repository in your xampp/htdocs folder.
- Then run the following commands in your terminal:
- Do all these commands in the webapp folder! (2223-waai-001-waaiburg-web-app/code/webapp)
- 'composer install'
- 'npm install'
- Copy .env.example to .env and change the mail settings to mail server waaiburg
- Generate an app encryption key with 'php artisan key:generate'
- Use 'php artisan serve' in your terminal to run the application
- Use 'npm run dev' to compile the assets (use 2 terminals!)
- Open the link to in your browser
- Use 'php artisan migrate --seed' in your terminal to create the database
- Use 'php artisan migrate:fresh --seed' in your terminal to update the existing database
- Make sure the library l5-swagger is installed locally using composer install
- Generate the documentation using php artisan l5-swagger:generate
- See the documentation by