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Alexandru Pirvulescu edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 7 revisions

Make the head-node provisionable

You've just done your first SDC installation on a single server and discovered that you cannot create VMs. There are two choices:

cnapi_svc=$(sdc-sapi /services?name=cnapi | json -Ha uuid)
sdc-sapi /services/$cnapi_svc -X PUT -d '{ "metadata": { "ALLOC_FILTER_HEADNODE": false } }'

I don't have a USB stick and the DC is far, far away

You can sacrifice an "OS disk" for that. Assuming you have KVM over IP access on that server, here are the steps:

  • download latest SmartOS ISO image from
  • use "Virtual Media" and attach the ISO image
  • boot the server using the Virtual CD and select noimport option in GRUB
  • login into the live image using root/root
  • cd /tmp && curl -k -C - -O && tar xzvf usb-latest.tgz
  • dd the .img file into your "OS disk". You can display the disks using format </dev/null. For example, using c0t0d0 as the OS disk, the command would be dd if=name_of_img_file.img of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0p0 bs=1024k
  • reboot the server using the "OS disk" you just created

Other questions

The following ports will need to be directly (unproxied) reachable from the new servers outbound to the Internet:

NTP (Port 123)
DNS (Port 53)
HTTP (Port 80)
HTTPS (Port 443)
HTTP Alternate (Port 8080)