This is a python pyramid project. It is recommended to run it from a virtual environment with Python 2.7.
The instructions are written with windows in mind, all steps apply in Linux as well, but YMMV.
To setup an virtual environment and install all requirements and dependencies, do the following from your working copy root folder:
virtualenv --no-site-packages env
cd webapp
..\env\Scripts\python develop
To bring up a development server execute the following from within the /webapp
folder (i.e. where your local.ini
file is located):
..\env\Scripts\paster serve --reload local.ini
Please note that the standard local.ini
file requires a Redis instance and an API running somewhere. See below for how to change these requirements.
By convention, each environment requires its own config file. I.e. if you want to deploy to an environment called "dev", you will need to have a dev.ini
config file in your webapp
Usually we distinguish: local, dev, staging, live environments. The configuration files for your envionment should thus be undertaken in the respective config gile.
To get any app running you will need a webapi running somewhere.
Configure the API location via:
deploy.api.url =
deploy.api.version = 0.0.1
And set the authentication token for each of the front ends via:
website.apiToken = API_BACKEND_TOKEN
This sets the client token for the frontend called "website".
You can find out where these settings get set by looking at each Views..../
module and check this block:
def includeme(config):
settings = config.registry.settings
settings['g'].setSettings(WebsiteSettings, settings)
This registers the settings into the context and makes them acessible throughout a request life cycle.
Caching is managed by dogpile. Dogpile supports many different backends. Configure your cache backend by editing the following in your ini file:
cache.backend = dogpile.cache.redis =
cache.arguments.port = 6379
cache.arguments.db = 1
Sessions are managed by Beaker . Session storage is by default just the local file system (uses redis on production systems). Change it by editing the following lines:
session.data_dir = %(here)s/../data/sess
session.type = file
If you encounter strange errors on form submission, i.e. you cannot log in, it wont remember anything done, sessions don't bet updated: most likely you have not set the cookie domain correctly. Set it to localhost for development or configure any local webserver to host that very domain you are hosting the app on:
session.cookie_domain =
Configure the social network application used in the relevant configuration file currently the following networks are syupported:
Please note that angellist does not support redirect_uri, you need to set this at for it to work correctly.
The frontends do not handle user emails. This is done in the API.
The following section only configures submission of contact form emails to customer support, if that is used:
And the following section is only used in the live.ini / production environment:
class =
level = ERROR
formatter = exc_formatter
To deploy you need fabric installed on your build server and execute from within the project root:
cd deploy
fab -H LIVE_HOST -i LIVE_SSHKEY-u www-data deploy:env=live
Create a development environment and deploy with
REMOTE on deployment target:
mkdir -p '/server/www/ufostart'
LOCAL on build server:
fab -H DEV_HOST -i DEV_SSHKEY-u www-data create_env:env=dev
fab -H DEV_HOST -i DEV_SSHKEY-u www-data deploy:env=dev