ROM Sync && Build Script for Learning Developers
Ready to use. Extensive Testing needed.
Now at XDA-Developers
Supports Ubuntu & Debian based Distros, and ArchLinux
Tip! : ROMNIS - ROM Name In Source - eg. cm, bliss, candy, crdroid etc.
ScriBt consists of five main Actions:
#1. Init
a. Choose a ROM
b. Initialize it's Repo
c. Add a local_manifest for Device Specfic Additions / Changes
#2. Sync
Sync the Sources - Setting Sync Options / Flags available
#3. Pre Build
The Biggest Part/Function of ScriBt
a. Add Device to ROM Vendor
b. Make an Interactive Makefile under Device Tree (Identifiable by ROM's BuildSystem)
This was created in order to prevent unnecessary Modifications to already present files in the Device Tree and messing it up eventually...
Idea came into existence, When I saw most of the ROMs (... not having
folder in ROM vendor && excluding AOSP-CAF/AOSP-RRO) having these lines in one of the BuildSystem's files...
# A ROMNIS build needs only the ROMNIS product makefiles.
all_product_configs := $(shell ls device/*/$(ROMNIS_BUILD)/```
#4. Build
a. Build the Entire ROM
* **Clean** /out Entirely or only Staging Directories
* **Start** Build
b. Make a Particular Module
c. Setup **CCACHE**
d. Give **comments** based on the Final Build Status
* Build Success
* Arbitrary Error (Can't help because Entropy of Increase in Errors gets Incremented day by day :P)
#5. Tools
a. Install Build Dependencies based on Distro Version
b. Install / Configure **Java**
c. Setup **android-51** rules (For proper usage of ADB)
d. Revert to make 3.81
e. CCACHE Setup
f. Add/Update Git Credentials
#6. Automated Cherry Picking
# prefGen
** aka Config Generator **
* After work's done, ScriBt saves the Configurations for that session, so that it could be automated next time...
This is done on User's wish.
* User should enter the function sequence though (under function automate), Information Gathering is done by ```prefGen```
As said before,
#Extensive Testing is needed.
##### Why not . / ?
```exit``` command will close the terminal when script is called in that way, bash runs the script in a seperate bash shell, so if the exit command is used, it will terminate that shell and not the terminal in which it was executed.
#What do the colors mean ?
[!] in..
RED - The Particular Task has Failed / User has Entered an Incorrect Value
BLUE - Information
GREEN - Task Completed
YELLOW - Task to be under Execution
PURPLE - AutoBot speaks
[?] in..
RED - A Question is asked
[>] in..
CYAN - An Answer is Expected :P
[#] in..
PINK - Root Access Prompt
This method of coloring is **Relevant_Coloring** and is inspired from [a scene in Person of Interest]( and ADB Logs on a phone (Log types like E for Error, F for Fatal etc.)
#Automation Notes
Users can add their own commands in the default sequence ( I do it )
For Automating ScriBt
1. PREF.rc must have your Desired Values for all Variables listed
2. Enter this on Terminal to Start with Automation
bash automate
#####Functions that can be automated
* sync
* pre_build **^**
* build
* the_cherries
**^** - The Device Tree must be Compatible with the ROM you're building (Extra Toolchain Configs, Overlays etc. **ROMNIS-fying is taken care of in Point 3b** ) Else, Issues :) :P
#Variables necessary for Automation
Since Vars have been removed from PREF.rc, those info will be seperately provided by me in the snippet below...
```bash cd <directory>```
1st Parameter - Indicates that you want to transfer it - alias is 'cd' to make it similiar with the 'cd' command
2nd Parameter - The directory to which you need to transfer ScriBt
Make sure you enter a proper directory, which has **read/write permissions**. This action will **transfer** ScriBt to the directory mentioned by the user as well as **execute** it from that directory.
If you want to automate the ScriBt after changing directory, then 3rd Parameter should be 'automate'. It'd look like this...
```bash cd <directory> automate```
# Updates
ScriBt is updated on the basis of the Version Number mentioned in a file named VERSION
**Do not try to EDIT it**
If the Version Number in GitHub is more than the Local Version number, then ScriBt would prompt the user to update.
If there are modifications present in the old version, then ScriBt moves it to a folder named 'old'. You may see your old Scripts there.
```upScriBt``` does the Updating work.
**** first checks for a newer version of and **downloads it** if present.
** then **checks updates** for the other files on the basis of above Procedure
#Device Types
* ```full``` - This indicates that the Device has **Adequate Storage Space** for building Entire Android System for it
* ```mini``` - This indicates that the Device has a **Low Storage Space**, so only Android Essentials are built ( Lesser Apps and Stuff )
* **common_full_phone, common_mini_phone** - An Android SmartPhone
* **common_full_tablet, common_mini_tablet, common_tablet** - An Android Tablet
* **common_full_tablet_lte** - A Tablet with LTE (4G) Functionality
* **common_full_tablet_wifionly** - A Tablet with Wi-Fi functionality
* **common_full_tv, common_mini_tv** - Android TV
* **common_full_hybrid_wifionly** - Android Device with any Size ( Phone / Tablet ) ( used if Device Type is unknown )
* NOTE : IF you're building for a Phone and common_full_phone / common_mini_phone isn't in the list, then press Enter (Leave Blank) as the ROM will consider the Device as a Phone.
#Building Android
* **Jack** was introduced as a **Toolchain** from MarshMallow onwards for **Apps and Frameworks**.
- Uses a Java VM for compilation of Java Source Code (.java) to '.dex' (**D**alvik **Ex**ecutable) files
- Recommended for Systems having >8GB RAM.
- Systems with 4GB RAM can use it too, but it may cause heavy lags on compilation, so using Swap memory is Recommended for such users.
* **Ninja** was introduced from Android Nougat (7.x.x) as an Alternative **Build System**.
- No Compatibility Requirements.
- Some Features of it are Quicker Incremental Builds, and showing Progress of Build on compilation
* Companions for Ninja (iirc), which were introduced in Nougat are...
- **Kati** -
(AFAIK, It Generates a .ninja file, in BluePrint Language, which guides through the Build process...)
- **Soong** -
- **BluePrint** -
(A Language...)
So, the ways of Building Android are...
* Using **Normal** Build System
- **with** Jack Toolchain (MarshMallow onwards)
- **without** Jack Toolchain (Till Nougat)
* Using **Ninja** Build System
- **with** Jack Toolchain (Nougat onwards)
- **without** Jack Toolchain (Nougat onwards)
* Arvindraj "a7r3" (Myself)
* Adrian DC "AdrianDC"
* Akhil Narang "akhilnarang"
* CubeDev
* nosedive
* Many more as this goes public
#Supported ROMs
3. AOSiP
6. BlissRoms
7. CandyRoms
8. CarbonROM
9. crDroid
10. Cyanide-L
11. CyanogenMod
12. DirtyUnicorns
13. Flayr OS
14. Krexus-CAF
15. OctOs
16. OmniROM
17. Orion OS
18. OwnROM
21. Resurrection Remix
22. SlimRoms
23. Temasek
24. GZR Tesla
25. Tipsy OS
26. GZR Validus
27. VanirAOSP
28. XenonHD
29. XOSP
30. Zephyr-Os
**More ROMs will be added, if missed 'em**
#Happy ScriBting!