Displays either the initials or the image for an avatar.
npm install @unicorns/avatars --save
import Avatar from '@unicorns/avatars'
Include it in the template you'd like to use it in.
Title is the only required property, size, round and image are optional.
Size defaults to 40px.
Round defaults to false (square avatar).
This will result in a 40px square avatar with the letter E
<avatar class="item-avatar"
This will display an image in a 46px round avatar
<avatar class="item-avatar"
You can override the default random colours yourself
<avatar class="item-avatar"
You can add a custom palette on the palette
This is the default configuration array.
It uses the hash of the title to derive a number that it uses to select an entry from an array of colours when there is no image. It does this to consistently provide the same colour for a given title.
It does contrast detection to determine whether or not it should show the initial in light or dark font.
- - Configure own font
v1.x is now deprecated and no longer supported.
v2.x is the latest version and is not backwards compatible with applications currently using v1.x.
Ensure you test your application sufficiently before updating the version from 1.x to 2.x