Install VPL
With OPAM:
opam repo add vpl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VERIMAG-Polyhedra/opam-vpl/master
opam update
opam install vpl-core
Install VPL-Experiments
Download or clone the VPL-Experiment repository, available at https://github.com/VERIMAG-Polyhedra/VPL-Experiments
Compile the VPL executable:
To run a problem, you need to encode it with a C program (see the Language section below). Then, type
./Run_VPL.byte -file <C_file.c> -folder benchs/ -proj plp
A trace is written in a C file, following the C standard syntax. Operators are applied by function calls.
An abstract value has type
. Program variables have typeint
abs_value load(string file);
Loading an abstract value from a file name
abs_value top();
bool isBottom(abs_value a)
abs_value meet(abs_value a1, abs_value a2)
abs_value join(abs_value a1, abs_value a2)
abs_value guard(abs_value a, b_expr)
abs_value assign(abs_value a, var1 = a_expr1, var2 = a_expr2, ...)
Parallel assignment
abs_value widen(abs_value a1, abs_value a2)
abs_value elim(abs_value a, var1, var2, ...)
Variable elimination
abs_value minimize(abs_value a)
Minimization of representation
bool includes(abs_value a1, abs_value a2)
abs_value minimize(abs_value a)
itv get_itv(abs_value a)
The trace runner has a timer for each operator. If you need to see timings at some point:
void show_timers()
void main(){
int x, y;
int c = 0; // counter
abs_value P1 = load("P_200");
abs_value P3 = top();
while(c <= 100 || includes(P3, P1)){
P2 = guard(P1, x + y >= 3);
if( includes(P2, guard(top(), x >= 0)) ){
P2 = assign(P2, x = x + 1);
P3 = join(P1,P2);