UnityLend is a groundbreaking platform designed to foster financial cooperation and empowerment within communities. Key features include registration, creation, and joining of community channels, transparent borrowing processes, and a hassle-free repayment system. UnityLend not only addresses immediate financial needs but also cultivates a sense of trust and collaboration among community members.
The software requirements for the application can be accessed through Unity_Lend_Project_Requirements.
The Database design for the application can be accessed through Unity_Lend_DB_Design.
Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally.
git clone https://github.com/VaniThapar/UnityLend.git
- You can download and install PostgreSQL from the official website. For steps of installation follow this document PostgreSQL_Installation_Steps.docx.
- After installing PostgreSQL, open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command to create a new database
createdb your_database
- Create a new user for the application with the necessary privileges. Replace your_username and your_password with your desired username and password.
createuser --interactive --pwprompt
- Grant necessary privileges to the user on the database.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_database TO your_username;
Modify the application.properties file in your project to configure the database connection settings.
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
Once the application is running, Tomcat server starts running at http://localhost:8085.
The class diagram can be accessed at Unity_Lend_Class_Diagram.
The ER diagram can be accessed at Unity-Lend-ER-Diagram
Flow Diagarm for User Registration and Community Generation : User Registration and Community Creation
Flow Diagram for raising a Borrow Request : Flow_Diagram_For_Raising_Borrow_Request
Flow Diagarm for generating EMI Schedule after Borrow Request is fulfilled : Flow_Diagram_For_EMI_Generation
Flow Diagram for Lender lending against a Borrow Request : Flow_Diagram_For_Lender
Flow Diagram for Borrower repaying the monthly EMI against a Borrow Request : Flow_Diagram_for_Repayment