LogWatcher is an utility meant as a replacement for: tail -F /some/path/*
lw vs tail advantages:
- it watches for modified, deleted and new files without restart of the utility
- it won't crash if there are > 4096 files (shell pattern limit exhaustion) or directories (if you set
ulimit -n
value high enough) - it works recursively on directories
Daniel (@dmilith) Dettlaff
Uses Kqueue for event monitoring (standard on BSD and macOS)
Works recursively through files/ directories but can be also used for single file monitoring
It's fast and DEBUG'able (through DEBUG and TRACE env variables)
Produces colorful output (especially in DEBUG and TRACE mode).
cargo install --force lw
- Rust >= 1.40.0
- Clang >= 10.x
- Make >= 3.x
- Cmake >= 3.16
- POSIX compliant base-system (tested on systems: FreeBSD/ HardenedBSD/ Darwin)