REST API for tracking expenses.
A RESTful API created using Spring Boot. We have used PostgreSQL as the relational database and JdbcTemplate to interact with that. Apart from this, we have used JSON Web Token (JWT) to add authentication. Using JWT, we can protect certain endpoints and ensure that user must be logged-in to access those.
Spring Boot 3.0.10
>. spring-boot-devtools
>. Spring-boot-starter-jdbc
>. spring-boot-starter-web
>. JSON Web Token (JWT)
>. STS(Spring tool suite)
>. PostMan
Clone the repo from GitHub
git clone cd expense-tracker-api
Create database objects
In the root application directory (expense-tracker-api), SQL script file (expensetracker_db.sql) is present for creating all database objects
Update database configurations in**
If your database is hosted at some cloud platform or if you have modified the SQL script file with some different username and password, update the src/main/resources/ file accordingly:
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/expensetrackerdb spring.datasource.username=expensetracker spring.datasource.password=password
Run the spring boot application
./mvnw spring-boot:run
this runs at port 8080 and hence all enpoints can be accessed starting from http://localhost:8080