- I'm currently interested in operative system developement, self-hosting and networking.
- Pronouns: he/him.
- vinceale7082@vinceale7082com is my commit email, but you can reach me out at [email protected]
- I'm looking to collaborate with people on a hobby project called XanvicOS, an OS created just to explore operative system developement, and for fun!
- Fun fact: I'm Italian, an Ace Attorney fan and a student (incredible, yeah? Idk what to write).
Hi, I'm just an italian student that likes the Ace Attorney series and codes, because he likes it and has time to do it. I'm using a Raspberry Pi 5 4GB to host my projects. I have a free domain at com and I don't know what else to write about me and what I'm using.
Here are my projects:
- XanvicOS (In Developement...);
- Website (Almost finished, one day I'll add CSS);
- SunshineWM (Not Started, I'll start it after writing video drivers);
Here some of my info: