Logs Analysis is a reporting tool that prints out reports (in plain text) based on the data in the database. This reporting tool is a Python program using the psycopg2 module to connect to the database.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See how to run section for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To start on this project, you'll need database software (provided by a Linux virtual machine) and the data to analyze.
- In order to bring the virtual machine online use
vagrant up
- Then log into it with
vagrant ssh
- Change the directory to vagrant use
- To load the data, use the command
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
Here's what this command does: - psql — the PostgreSQL command line program
- -d news — connect to the database named news which has been set up for you
- -f newsdata.sql — run the SQL statements in the file newsdata.sql
- Once into Virtual Machine you can use
psql -d news
and create the views given below in the Views used section - Now run logsAnalysis.py and you will get the output of the required questions
- fr view ( Gives the path and there respective views)
create view fr as select path, count(*) as views from log where path != '/' group by path order by views desc limit 5;
- First view ( Joins the authors and articles table on author.id and articles.author)
create view First as select authors.name, articles.slug from authors join articles on authors.id = articles.author;
- ntotalViews (Gives the outputV column with date and count of the total views for each day)
create view ntotalViews as select date(time) as outputV,count(status) from log group by outputV;
- ntotalErrors (Gives the outputE column with date and count of the total error status views for each day)
create view ntotalErrors as select date(time) as outputE,count(status) from log where status like '%404%' group by outputE;
- percentn view (Gives the Output in the date format and the Error percent columns with precision upto two digits)
create view percentn as select ntotalErrors.outputE,round(cast(cast(ntotalErrors.count as float)/ cast(ntotalViews.count as float)*100 as numeric),2) from ntotalViews join ntotalErrors on ntotalViews.outputV = ntotalErrors.outputE;
- Ankush Sankhe - Python scripting and creating Database queries and views
- Udacity for teaching Python DB-API and SQL.
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used.