Prophecis v0.2.0
Prophecis 0.2.0 release
Prophecis v0.2.0 mainly publish distributed modeling module(DI). This module is based on FfDL and mainly provides single machine modeling and distributed tensorflow tasks.
[1] Add Prophecis-DI Rest Module. #12
[2] Add Prophecis-DI Trainer & JobMonitor Module, which is responsible for managing the task lifecycle. #13
[3] Add Prophecis-DI LCM Module, which is responsible task scheduling, building single machine and distributed tasks. #8
[4] Add Prophecis-DI Storage Module, which is Responsible for the operation of storage module, such as Minio, ES, Mongo, etc. #14
[5] ADD Log in CLI Program, a command-line interface tool. #11
[1] Fix Helm Chart Setting Error. #16
Prophecis-DI module is built based on the FfDL. The main modifications are as follows:
[1] Integrate Kubeflow Arena,Provide distributed tensorflow task ability.
[2] Modify the creation mode of single machine modeling task:remove helper and job jobmonitor in task, and change deploy pod to deploy job.
[3] The log collection service is changed to daemonset, and the collection tool is changed to fluent bit.
[4] The task status update mode is changed to an independent service job monitor.
[5] Add user GUID control in container data directory.
[6] Enhance CLI, added parameter replacement of yaml template, and the train command was modified to websocket connect, providing log and state.
[7] The code file storage server is changed to Minio.