Source papers: Keshvari, Van den Berg, and Ma 2013
Change detection is a classic paradigm developed by W.A. Phillips (1974) and Harold Pashler (1988), to assess the limitations of visual short-term memory. Our lab has made two improvements to this paradigm: first, we vary the magnitude of change on a continuum, so that we can plot entire psychometric curves and thus have more power to compare models. Second, we test new models, especially noise-based (continuous-resource) models, and found that they do better than item-limit (slot) models.
References on the concepts:
Noise-based models of change detection: Wilken and Ma 2004
Change magnitude variation: Keshvari, Van den Berg, and Ma 2012
Detailed testing of VSTM limitation models: Keshvari, Van den Berg, and Ma 2013
Please refer to the three pdf readme files for details.