- Add the WorldWind library
- Create a Globe class to encapsulate the WorldWindow object
- Add a globe to the application
- Add layers to the globe
In a hurry? Here's the completed code: Lesson 2
We will use a release of WorldWindJS library hosted on GitHub. Add this line of code to the list of JavaScript scripts at the bottom of your web page:
<script src="https://github.com/emxsys/worldwindjs/releases/download/v1.5.90/worldwind.min.js"></script>
Now we will create a Globe class to encapsulate the WorldWindow object (wwd).
In our web app we will be using layer categories to act on subsets of the
. We add layers to the WorldWindow
via the Globe.addLayer
function to assign a category and to update the layer's properties via a
convenient options object.
Copy the following block of JavaScript to the app.js file.
* The Globe encapsulates the WorldWindow object (wwd) and provides application
* specific logic for interacting with layers.
* @param {String} canvasId The ID of the canvas element that will host the globe
* @returns {Globe}
class Globe {
constructor(canvasId) {
// Create a WorldWindow globe on the specified HTML5 canvas
this.wwd = new WorldWind.WorldWindow(canvasId);
// Holds the next unique id to be assigned to a layer
this.nextLayerId = 1;
// Add a BMNGOneImageLayer background layer. We're overriding the default
// minimum altitude of the BMNGOneImageLayer so this layer always available.
this.addLayer(new WorldWind.BMNGOneImageLayer(), {
category: "background",
minActiveAltitude: 0
* Adds a layer to the globe. Applies the optional options' properties to the
* layer, and assigns the layer a unique ID and category.
* @param {WorldWind.Layer} layer
* @param {Object|null} options E.g., {category: "base", enabled: true}
addLayer(layer, options) {
// Copy all properties defined on the options object to the layer
if (options) {
for (let prop in options) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
continue; // skip inherited props
layer[prop] = options[prop];
// Assign a default category property if not already assigned
if (typeof layer.category === 'undefined') {
layer.category = 'overlay'; // the default category
// Assign a unique layer ID to ease layer management
layer.uniqueId = this.nextLayerId++;
// Add the layer to the globe
* Returns a new array of layers in the given category.
* @param {String} category E.g., "base", "overlay" or "setting".
* @returns {Array}
getLayers(category) {
return this.wwd.layers.filter(layer => layer.category === category);
Now you create a Globe
object with it's underlying WorldWindow
like this:
let globe = new Globe("globe-canvas");
where "globe-canvas" is the name of a <canvas/>
element in your HTML.
Now we will create a Globe
object and add some layers to the globe. Some of the
WorldWind layers require a WorldWindow
object in their constructors (globe.wwd).
This is one of the few cases where we access the wwd
property outside of the
Copy this block of JavaScript code the app.js file and paste it below the
class declaration.
// Create a globe
let globe = new Globe("globe-canvas");
// Add layers to the globe
globe.addLayer(new WorldWind.BMNGLayer(), {
category: "base"
globe.addLayer(new WorldWind.CoordinatesDisplayLayer(globe.wwd), {
category: "setting"
globe.addLayer(new WorldWind.ViewControlsLayer(globe.wwd), {
category: "setting"
globe.addLayer(new WorldWind.CompassLayer(), {
category: "setting",
At this stage you have a functioning globe in the web app that responds to mouse and touch input.
- The
class encapsulates theWorldWindow
and contains the application logic for managing layers. It creates a globe with a background layer. - The
function is used to add layers to the globe and set the layer's category and other layer properties. Layer are rendered in the order that they are added to the globe, from first to last.
Here's the complete code for lesson 2: a web app prototype with a functioning globe and layers.
<iframe width="100%" height="700" src="//jsfiddle.net/emxsys/7x6vcf78/embedded/" allowpaymentrequest allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0"></iframe>