This project is a continuation of Heretic unabridged v0.2 by beed28,
Zdoom or derivates is requiried to play it!
Getting permission by him to edit/fix this mod i'll try just improve the original mod whitout adding major changes in it.
Target is:
- Keep it most loyal to the beed28 version.
- Just add things that improve gameplay but dont change the gameplay heavily.
- Fix errors of gameplay.
Rights to edit this mod was obtained from the original author, you can contact him at Zdoom/Doomworld forums, thanks you.
--< HOW TO COMPILE >-- Just select every file here except this readme and .gitignore (or just select all it doenst make any diference) and put everything into a zip/7z file. Them rename the extension to pk3 and use you launcher to run it or just drag and drop in on your zdoom derivates port to play, have fun.
For the oficial version please download the tag Final_V2.8 For the unoficial version follow the branch "3.x", it's a work in progress and still incomplete used for testing.