Project is deprecated, see YoloDev.Dnx.FSharp.
FSharp Support for K
Add the yolodev myget feed to your NuGet.Config
file. This file should be in your Solution folder. If it does not exist yet, you must create one. Proper casing of the filename is important!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="YoloDev" value="" />
<add key="AspNetVNext" value="" />
<add key="" value="" />
Create a new ASP.NET vNext Empty Web Application
or ASP.NET vNext Desktop Application
project in Visual Studio 2014. The new project system uses a project.json
file to list all the dependencies. This file resides in the root folder of the project. Add the YoloDev.FSharp.AspNet library as a dependency. Because we're going to use an other language than C# we have to add a "language" key to the project.json file. You also need to add sources, since the default one just goes looking for *.cs. This is also quite important in F#, since file order matters. So be sure you list the sources in the right order.
"dependencies": {
"YoloDev.FSharp.AspNet": "0.1-*"
"code": [ "file1.fs", "file2.fs" ],
"language": {
"name": "F#",
"assembly": "YoloDev.FSharp.AspNet",
"projectReferenceProviderType": "YoloDev.FSharp.AspNet.FSharpProjectReferenceProvider"
"frameworks": {
"aspnet50": { }
Change the following value in the properties dialog for the project:
Code in F#!