GroupeC ECL-ML 2021
Methods :
* Machine Learning : LeastSquaresMethod/IMS
* Deep Learning(NN) : LSTM/CNN/CRNN/AttentionCRNN/CRGAN
Available Files :
* : retrain and predict all
* : load available model and predict directly
* : correct all labels of result/y_hat and result/test_y
* y_train.csv : train sample (Y)
* result/models : Models' parameters (NN Parameters & Thresholds)
* result/y_hat : Non-translated Test Results(float32)
* result/test_y : Translated Test Results(0/1)
It lasks 2 files below, which is too big to load. Please put them in same directory of with the files
* X_train.h5 : train sample (X)
* X_test.h5" : test sample (X)
Groupe C, ECLML2021