This is personal project in which the hindi inscriptioncan be extrated from the image and the output can be translated to english using hugging face's translation transformer. Used the following: This project relies on the following dependencies:
PyTorch. PyTorch Vision. Transformers. OpenCV. EasyOCR. Translate Transformers from Hugging Face.
- Clone the Repository
Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
- Change Directory
Navigate into the cloned repository using the cd command:
cd Hindi--OCR-And-Translation
- Install Dependencies
Open Jupyter Notebook. In the Jupyter Notebook interface, navigate to the repository directory and open the Dep.ipynb notebook. Execute the notebook cells one by one by clicking on each cell and pressing Shift+Enter. This will set up additional dependencies as needed.
jupyter notebook
- Run Main File
In the same Jupyter Notebook interface, navigate to the repository directory and open the Main.ipynb notebook. Execute the cells in the Main.ipynb notebook one by one, running them sequentially from top to bottom.