Labyrinth of Sine - Computer Graphics Final Project Developers: Anthony Calabrese & Nate Cefarelli
Move Forward - w Move Left - a Move Backward - s Move Right - d Sprint - shift
Interact - e
Look up - Up arrow key Look down - Down arrow key Look left - Left arrow key Look right - Right arrow key
Look Around - With the mouse
Brightness Settings - 1-9 9 is the brightest 0 is default settings
Quit - escape
- You Were Here...
- Your Soul Devoid...
- Tainted By Your Actions, Your sins...
- There Is No Salvation As I Starve Your Lungs From Within
- For Eternity, You Shall Morph Into Your Pain...
- Where Your Eyes Are Ripped Through Your Spine!
- As You Are Crushed Multidimensionally
- As Your Sanity Crumbles...
- Here You Shall Stay, Under The Nocturnal Sun...
- For My Almighty Eye To Gaze Upon Your Torment...